This game is awesome! I just bought it on my Wii's virtual console. (Yep, i've got a Wii) This is very good. A cool rock remix of the file select. Can you make a rock remix of the endless staircase?
This game is awesome! I just bought it on my Wii's virtual console. (Yep, i've got a Wii) This is very good. A cool rock remix of the file select. Can you make a rock remix of the endless staircase?
I'll try that when I get garageband back and some free time
ATTENTION WORLD! Chao-Guy is back!!! It's been a while since I have heard some of your music. I kept checking back to see if there were any more Paper Mario trax. By the way, if you want any of those Paper Mario tracks, just ask me. I know a site that has as many vg MP3s as you need (Cant say it here.) Anyway, awesome remix. Good to have you back on the music-making team. MetroidMan, eNd TrAnSmIsSiOn /O_o
Good to be back Double M! I don't think there are any boss ones left, but if there's any theme's you guys want, I'm more than happy to make it! (If I can find a MIDI!)
Thanks for the offer, but I already found a fantastic site for MP3's.
Keep it up!
Your theme!!!
This is your theme!!! This is really good. Sounds a bit different than the original, but it sounds better! You did good! MetroidMan, eNd TrAnSmIsSiOn
Yup thats why i did it!
Guess who?
MetroidMan is back to review your songs again!!! This is really good. I love Halo and this definitely sounds like it. If you have XBox Live can you tell me your Gamertag? MetroidMan, EnD tRaNsMiSsIoN /O-o
You seem to be very good at making songs sound like NES, Gameboy, or Genesis style games. I like it. Can you check out my music please? MetroidMan, eNd TrAnSmIsSiOn O_o
Thanks for the compliment! =) And sure, I'll check out some of your music.
Sounds VG-ish
Kinda sounds like it would be for a level in a video game, or maybe, like a boss fight or something? Dont you think? Anyway, good job! MetroidMan, END TRANSMISSION
I like it! It's original, its cool to listen to, and its techno, so that automatically makes it good! Keep up the awesome work! Metroidman, END TRANSMISSION
thnx! man..
Wanna know why?
I know why they didn't accept it: they can't accept music remixes from professionals! (LOL Just kidding, but seriously, you're good.) You should do this for a living (you know, work for Nintendo and make VG music for their games!) Anyway, Sorry you couldn't get a remix into OCremix. Keep rocking NG with your music anyway. Metroidman, END TRANSMISSION
PS Plz check out and review my music because it is the shit (just kidding, but it is good.)
Ha nintendo would have my head!
besides they might not be around too long (deep depressing sigh)
I dont really care if it made it or not. More downloads for me :D
Good point though.
Thanks for the complament and really nice score dude
i'll check out your stuff when i get the chance
thanks for the review
good luck with your stuff
(i always say that mostly)
I used to think I wanted to create music. Now I'm just a fan of it all. I'm a simple writer working on a project I hope to publish. No more, no less.
Age 34, Male
Border Gap
Joined on 12/31/06